Uplift sports standard of Myanmar with forging sport spirit
January 03, 2022
The State Administration Council has been implementing the political, economic and social objectives since its establishment for building a peaceful and prosperous nation. Of them, the social objectives comprise “to enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation”.
As uplift of sports standard can be defined as safeguarding the State and improving the mindset of the youths, utmost must be expedited for development of the sports sector of the nation within the coming decade to resurge Myanmar’s sports standard.
The government has formed the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs which focuses on upgrade of sports grounds across the nation. Now, plans are underway to facilitate all regions and states as well as districts with the gymnasium, the swimming pool and standardized stadium each.
Sports activities motivate the activeness of patriotic and nationalistic spirits in addition to flourishing the national characters. It also contributes to the health and fitness of the entire nation. At present, it is necessary to uplift the weak improvement of the Myanmar sports sector.
The sports sector needs to be improved in the long term plans with farsightedness. The sports activities must be undertaken with the strength of youths. As such, it is necessary to take the strength of student youths. Those students need to take sports exercises as well as make studies of school learning. If so, the excellent youth athletes will emerge one after another with health and fitness. Moreover, those young athletes will have physical and mental strength depending on their exercises.
The sporting spirit is of importance for every athlete. In fact, everybody needs to hold up the spirit in the society because the sporting spirit is based on compassion, sympathy, tolerance, genuine goodwill and the spirit of giving a helping hand.
Significantly, the sporting spirit symbolizes noble activities that the sacrifice is made to help even opponents who face problems. Hence, youths must culture the sporting spirit whether they are keen to join the sports arena or not. It is because the youths are colourless in their minds.
Sports activities can change the physical and mental behaviours of participants. Such a kind of mindset is of great importance in society. Those holding up the sporting spirit will be society builders and State builders at present and in the future.
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