Adopt the best strategy and tactics to meet good fortune

If work will start, it needs to consider how to start the work with the best technique as well as how to apply the best technique at the start of the assigned work. It is a simple way of the working process. Practically, every smart work cannot be done in an array. As that is smart work, all the working processes must be systematic with weak points.

To be able to do so, it is necessary to adopt the strategy and the tactic for the implementation of the assigned work. As such, everybody needs to prepare the strategy and the tactic for the process. In this regard, human resources should be raised to thoroughly under­stand the strategy and the tactic before implementing the assignments.

Implementation of as­signed projects needs strat­egy and tactics. The strate­gy mentions the way how to meet the goal as a master plan whereas the tactic describes the detailed explanations of how to do the best implemen­tation of the project to the ob­jectives similar to that of the action plan. Both strategy and tactics are inseparable.

The strategy must be adopted for the assignments as a long-term plan arranged to meet the goal. On the other hand, the strategy paves the way for leading to the rele­vant visions. The tactic must be implemented to meet the missions assigned as action plans to be able to support the master plan. As such, the tactic must be drawn with de­tailed techniques and ways under restricted and limited timeframes to reach the goal. The tactic consists of the best ways and techniques, detailed programmes, and the best sources.

Tactics are flexible and to be changed depending on the ways of implementing the strategic plans to achieve greater success. Those who implement the assigned project or plan should not discard the strategy and tactic in their process. While analyzing the strategy, nobody should forget the tactics. Only when they must always review both strategy and tactics will they have the capacity to achieve victory.

The tactics should not derail from the action lines of strategy. In other words, the action plan must be implemented under the guideline of the strategic plan. As such, any organization needs to adopt the most appropriate strategy and tactics for its future fortune. They must prepare the best strategy and tactics before implementing their assignments. The strategy and tactics they adopted must be based on their firm beliefs. If not, no good fortune will wait for them in the future.

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