Help women free from violence in society

Myanmar society prioritizes the rights of women in all aspects such as ceremonies, festivals, movements and so on. So also, the global society exercises a practice of “Lady First” in all things for women of all ages before something done by men on various occasions.

The United Nations has been marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women since 2008 aimed at preventing dangers and violence posed to women and girls in both home violence and other forms of violence in relations with female and male participants from the society.

Especially, authorities in relevant countries need to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls, calling for an increase of awareness, promotion of advocacy and creation of opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions.

In line with this year’s motto: UNITE! Activism to End Violence against Women & Girls, Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating hu­man rights violations through­out the world and remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.

Women and girls should notice various forms of violence which may be committed by crime offenders, such as inti­mate partner violence includ­ing psychological abuse, mar­ital rape and femicide, sexual violence on rape, forced sexual acts and unwanted sexual ad­vances and harassment, hu­man trafficking on slavery and sexual exploitation, the female genital mutilation and the child marriage.

In Myanmar society, wom­en’s interest-oriented organi­zations such as the Myanmar National Committee for Wom­en’s Affairs and the Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation focus on supporting women at all levels of age to be able to defy violent acts. Those organ­izations help women seek jobs and social security measures for the safety of their lives and their families.

The Myanmar National Human Right Commission, as well as the Anti-human Traf­ficking Police Force under the Myanmar Police Force, is striving for protecting women from all forms of danger and violent acts including cases of trafficking in persons. They have saved the lives of a large number of human trafficked victims women.

Generally, as women are weaker than men in all aspects of society, Myanmar’s traditions have been teaching the people since their childhood to give a helping hand to women of all ages for doing everything. Reciprocally, women should support men in all work processes to improve Myanmar society to be free from dangers and violent acts posed to all humans.

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