MoFA Union Minister receives Vice-President of Russia-Myanmar Association for Friendship and Cooperation


Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the Rus­sian delegation led by Mr Vitaly Solonetsky, Vice-President of the Russia-Myanmar Association for Friendship and Cooperation at 10:30 am on 24 November 2022 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nay Pyi Taw.

At the courtesy call, they cor­dially discussed and exchanged views on further strengthening friendly bilateral relations be­tween the two countries and increasing people-to-people contacts, promoting cultural and educational cooperation, and expanding more scholar­ship opportunities from Russian universities like the People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State Institute of Inter­national Relations and Pushkin State Russian Language Insti­tute, closer collaboration with Myanmar think tanks and better understanding between Myan­mar and Russia in the interna­tional arena.

Present at the courtesy call were U Kyaw Myo Htut, Deputy Minister and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar. The vice-president of the Russia-Myanmar Asso­ciation for Friendship and Co­operation was accompanied by Mr Bazavluk Sergey Viktorovich, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Mr Surovtsev Stanislav Igorev­ich, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy, Social Work and International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Re­lations, Ms Victoria Karslieva, Deputy Executive Director of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund and Mr Yuri Ka­pylov, Head of the International Department of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. — MNA

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