Myanmar Cuisine & Culture Day celebrated in Myanmar Embassy, Tokyo


The Myanmar Cuisine and Culture Day was celebrated on 18 November 2022 from 10 am to 1 pm at Myanmar Embassy, Tokyo with the purpose of rais­ing knowledge about Myanmar traditions and Myanmar cui­sines among Japanese people and diplomats who are residing in Japan.

Mrs Haruko Komura, Chief Executive Officer of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friend­ship Society (ALFS), execu­tive directors, vice-presidents from the Tokyo Women’s Club, spouses of ambassadors from foreign embassies to Japan, diplomats, secretary-general of the ASEAN-Japan Centre Dr Kunihiko Hirabayashi and spouse, Japanese entrepre­neurs, members of the Friend­ship Association, professors from universities in Japan, students from Waseda Uni­versity and Hosei University, Myanmar government schol­ars from respective ministries, Japanese and Myanmar guests totalling 150 attended the cer­emony.

At the ceremony, Am­bassador of Myanmar U Soe Han and his spouse Daw Lei Lei Wah delivered welcoming speeches. Afterwards, video clips regarding the cooking of Myanmar’s traditional snack “Mohingha” and the “Friend­ly Myanmar” video from the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism were presented.

Then, ladies of the Myan­mar Embassy performed the Myanmar dance with the song “Mingalaba”, the Japanese dancer troupe, Manjushaka, also entertained the audience with their performance and the playing of Myanmar harp was also presented at the cer­emony. Flower bouquets were gifted to performers by the Ambassador of Myanmar and spouse, spouse of Ambassador of San Marino who is, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Ja­pan, Dr Kunihiko Hirabayashi, Secretary-General of the ASE­AN-Japan Centre and spouse. Afterwards, the esteemed and honourable guests were served Mohingha, tea leaves salad, Myanmar traditional snacks and Myanmar coffee. Then, the ceremony successfully finished at 1 pm. — MNA

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