20-MW Taungdawgwin Solar Power Plant opened in Myittha Township


December 30


The opening ceremony of the 20-megawatt Taungdawgwin Solar Power Plant established by the Ministry of Electric Power in Myittha Township of Mandalay Region was conducted in commemoration of Diamond Jubilee Independence Day yesterday.


First, State Administration Council Member Jeng Phang Naw Taung made an opening speech and Union Minister for Electric Power U Thaung Han explained the advantages of the 20-megawatt Taungdawgwin Solar Power Project while the Region Chief Minister U Maung Ko clarified the construction of the power plant.


The SAC members, Union ministers, the region chief minister and officials watched the video clip on the construction of the power plant and the official of Green Power Energy Co Ltd expressed words of thanks.


Then, Union Minister for Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Moe, MoEP Union Minister U Thaung Han and Union Minister for Energy U Myo Myint Oo, Union Minister for Industry Dr Charlie Than, Region Chief Minister U Maung Ko and the official of Green Power Energy Co Ltd cut the ribbon to inaugurate the power plant. SAC members Jeng Phang Naw Taung and U Sai Lone Seng pressed the electric button to unveil the stone inscription of the power plant.


The 20-MW Taungdawgwin Solar Power Plant is the third project completed in Myanmar. It can generate 45 million kilowatt hours a year and supply power to about 21,000 households. Currently, the country supplies power to 6,956,295 households in 40,693 villages of 508 towns across the nation until December 2022 and 64 per cent of the population get access to electricity. The government also makes efforts to achieve 100 per cent electrification by 2030. — MNA/KTZH

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