SAC Vice-Chair Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win inspects agriculture and livestock farms of Yangon Command


December 30


State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win yesterday afternoon inspected agriculture and livestock farms of Yangon Command.


At No 1 Agriculture and Livestock Farm, the commander of Yangon Command reported to the Vice-Senior General on agriculture and livestock farming tasks, and the sale of meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and milk from the farms to Tatmadaw members and families, war veterans, police members and families at fair prices.


The Yangon Region chief minister reported on the establishment of the agriculture and livestock zone, formation of committees and undertaking of farming tasks.


In his speech, the Vice-Senior General explained the undertaking of agriculture and livestock farms with the purpose of selling products to Tatmadaw members and service personnel at reduced prices, focusing on welfare tasks without the need to take profit, production of healthy products, taking consultation with veterinarian researchers, and collaborative efforts in the farming tasks between the command headquarters and the regional government to contribute to the food supply of commercial hub Yangon city.


The Vice-Senior General pointed out the need for systematic supervision of the supervisory bodies for farming tasks in the Nyaunghnapin special zone, necessary measures for balancing the demand and supply for the population of Yangon City, storage of surplus meat and fish in the frozen system and invitation to businesspersons to invest in businesses to export products to the foreign market.


The Vice-Senior General and party inspected the display of vegetables, mushrooms and eggs produced from the farms. Moreover, he viewed round breeding of Novogen Brown chicken and netting of fish at the No 1 fish farm. A total of 1,500 rohu fish, 800 river catfish, 500 pomfret and 200 sturgeons were bred at the farm from 5 January 2022. In today’s netting, each fish weighed about one viss on average, and the fish farms were netted to produce 2,250 viss of fish today and these will be distributed to Tatmadaw members and families. After hearing the reports, the Vice-Senior General attended to the needs.


The Vice-Senior General also inspected No 3 agriculture and livestock farm and the breeding of ducks and fish at the farms. — MNA

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