Concrete road put into service in Magway Township


Magway, 13 January

A concrete road was inaugurated to public in Thanbothit Village in Magway Township of Magway  Region on 13 January.

During the ceremony, Chief Minister of Magway Region government Thirihpyanchi U Tint Lwin, Minister of Transportation Police Major Lin Htut, Minister of Ethnic Affairs U Tun Khin, and officials cut a ceremonial ribbon to formally open the road. Then, officials looked round the road.

The concrete road measuring 1200 ft. long, 12 ft. wide and 6 inches thick was constructed by the Department of Rural Development at a cost of Ks. 25.00 million including Ks. 10 million of DRD’s funds in 2022-2023 fiscal year and Ks. 15 million contributed by local people, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development.—Nyein Thu

Translated by JT

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