Don’t underestimate the potential of the Covid-19 pandemic today

The infection rate of the Covid-19 pandemic is declining day by day but everybody should not underestimate its impacts because any disease is like a snake bite which can bring danger to the life of the victims if they cannot receive potent medical treatments in time.

During the period of breaking out the disease from 2019 to date, scientists and medical experts invented potent medicines to fight against the pandemic so as to save the life of people. They produce more and more potent medicines for battling the pandemic to drop the infection rate. But, Covid-19 surged its infection to be fatal to people again and again.


Whatever it may be, scientists including medical experts conduct the research on genetic progress of variant Covid-19 viruses which are spreading across the nation. The continuous research tasks brought results in finding the Omicron variants BA2, DA4 and DA5 viruses.

DF7 variant virus was found in the United States of America and Europe in September 2022. In late December 2022, infection of the XBB1.5 virus increased to 2.3 per cent. At present, a high infection rate of the BF7 var­iant virus of Omicron is hap­pening in some neighbouring countries of Myanmar.

BF7 is quicker to transmit than other variants. It has a shorter incubation period with a greater capacity to infect people who have previously been infected with COVID-19 or even vaccinated. The vic­tims of such kinds of virus­es can suffer from sneezing, coughing, sore throat, weak voice, fever, fatigue and so on. Some patients may face vomiting and suffering from diarrhoea.

Currently, the BF7 vari­ant virus can be seen in the United States of America, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark and other Europe­an countries as well as some neighbouring countries of Myanmar. Despite declining the infection rate during the pandemic, most global coun­ties are still facing severe in­fection depending on climatic conditions and other impor­tant points.

Hence, everybody residing in Myanmar should not decline their tempo of fighting against the pandemic all over the nation. They all should follow the protocols related to the prevention of Covid-19 issued by the Ministry of Health. All citizens young and old including children need to accept vaccination given by the local authorities so as to build an assured society.

Myanmar should expect the possibility of occurring the situ­ation to break out the infection of a new variant virus of Covid-19 at any time. To be able to fight against the disease, all citizens have to make preparations for taking preventive, control and treatment measures at all times without fail.

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