Flag hoisting ceremony of 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day held in Nay Pyi Taw

The ceremony to hoist the State Flag on the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day was held on the Grand Military Review Square in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

The flag-hoisting platoon raised the State Flag at 4:20 am together with the State Military Band and ethnic races and then they saluted the flag.

The ceremony was organized with the ob­jectives: (1) to ensure cementing the disci­pline-flourishing genuine multiparty democratic system and build the Union based on democ­racy and federalism, (2) to utmost strive for en­suring the prosperity of the nation and food suf­ficiency as national work processes, (3) to build a better State and socioec­onomic life in accord with the theme “Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal”, focusing on inter­ests of the State and eth­nic national people, (4) to initiate national solidari­ty and peace of the Union with a firm vow and (5) to successfully hold the free and fair multiparty dem­ocratic general elections and emerge an electoral system in which all eth­nic nationals would par­ticipate proportionately. — MNA/MKKS

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