Generate electricity earlier to develop the nation sooner


Currently, the government searches various ways and means to generate electricity to be supplied to the whole nation in order to uplift the living standard of the people as well as to boost the production of goods at home.

The government strives to implement the national electrifi­cation plan from 2015 to 2030 so as to electrify all the households of the nation accounting for cent per cent. Up to now, the plan has affected 6,956,295 households in 40,693 villages from 508 towns across the nation, accounting for 64 per cent. Hence, the govern­ment is searching for possible water sources to generate hydro­power plants because water sources for hydropower are plentiful across the nation.

Till today, renewable energy comprising hydropower, coal-fired power, solar power and diesel generators has been used to electrify the nation. In this regard, hydropower plants are established not far from water resources. But, there are a few numbers of coal-fired power plants in the country. So also, as now is the time to initiate the generation of electricity from solar power.

So far, the Ministry of Electric Power has established three solar-powered plants through­out the nation. Solar power is being generated at the Min­bu plant the first one beside the Minbu-An Road in Minbu Township of Magway Region, at the Thabyewa plant the second one near Thabyewa Village of Thazi Township in Mandalay Region and at the Taungdawgwin plant as the third one near Than Village of Myittha Township in Mandalay Region.

Minbu solar power plant was commissioned into ser­vice on 27 June 2019. The power plant operates 30 meg­awatts of generating capacity to generate 170 million kilo­watt hours per year. Thabyewa solar power plant was inau­gurated on 5 December 2021 with 30 generating capacity produces 66 million kilowatt hours yearly. Taungdawgwin solar power plant opened on 29 December 2022 and installed with 20 megawatts of capacity generates 45 million kilowatt hours on a yearly basis.

At present, the govern­ment is seeking techniques to generate electricity from atomic energy in a peaceful manner. If so, the entire people of the whole nation will have suf­ficient electricity at full capacity in a short period.

Only when people across the nation can consume electricity will they have the chance to improve all measures of the nation and will the country enable to shoulder with other countries. If so, the developed nation will pass good potential to new generations. It is necessary to note that if electricity can be supplied earlier, the whole nation will develop sooner.

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