Help each other develop all regions and states

All ethnic national people have been residing together in Myanmar since yore and standing tall among other countries across the world by sharing the future through thick and thin.

The Kachin State is home to more than 1.7 million population comprising Kachin ethnics such as Kachin, Htarom, Dalaung, Jingphaw, Gawri, Khakhu, Dulan, Lawwaw, Rawang, Larcheid, Zaiwah and Lisu together with Shan ethnics namely Tailay, Tailai, Tailon, Taisa and Taikhamti and Bamar ethnic and other ethnics amicably.

The Kachin State endowed with pleasant scenes and plentiful natural resources has not been enjoying the natural beauties and has not effectively utilized national resources in the development tasks of the state till today because of armed conflicts. Only when the area is peaceful and stable with the prevalence of law and order will it successfully implement the development projects.

All stakeholders in the Kachin State and the entire ethnic national people should harmoniously strive for serving the inter­ests of the nation with a united strength based on the national spirit but anybody or any or­ganization individually cannot achieve success.

Moreover, the government adopted the plans on transport, electrification, agriculture, live­stock, education, health and human resource development for uplifting all sectors so as to improve the socio-economy of the State and the people to have overall development of the na­tion including the Kachin State.

All ethnic people would have the capability to overcome any difficulties, crises and chal­lenges through patriotic spirit and solidarity based on the Union spirit of all ethnic na­tional people in implementing the future plans of the State and the nation. Today is the time to initiate the restoration of perpetual peace across the nation which needs compulso­rily to build the Union based on democracy and federalism the entire people aspire to.

With regard to the Union based on a democratic system and federalism, entire ethnic national people are living in the Union together through thick and thin under the administrative system the ethnic national people of the Union choose, and they all shall have the right of self-administration under the relevant constitutions of regions and states. If so, a genuine discipline-flourishing multiparty democratic system will come out.

As all ethnic national people residing together in the nation, they all have to help each other for undertaking the development of relevant regions and states. If so, all regions and states will improve on equal terms. Consequently, they all will have the chance to march to the goal together.

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