Join the democratization process for enjoying a better future


The system of democracy in federalism is defined with im­portant things that all representatives should do everything in accord with the desire of the majority but they have to emphasize the desire of the minority with an open-minded attitude.

If so, the minority will pay respect to the desire of the majority and agree to all things. Consequently, all working processes decid­ed by the majority’s desire can be smoothly accomplished. Only when representatives of both majority and minority negotiate their decisions at the Hluttaw can they all see the accomplishments.

Once, some different attitudes over the desires of the majority and minority happened at the highest legislative body of the State, deteriorating the unity among the ethnic nationals. Hence, every citizen needs to comprehensively understand the dos and don’ts of the democratic system by taking lessons from past events.

Currently, the government is implementing the plans based on its experiences to firmly initiate the genuine, disciplined-flour­ishing multiparty democratic system and to build the Union based on a democratic system and federalism as two political objectives.

The multiparty democratic system will be realized as a political system whereas the governing system is based on democratic and federal ad­ministration as an adminis­trative system. Indeed, such an administrative system is based on the anticipation of all ethnic people and citizens. On the other hand, the gov­ernment has adopted and is implementing the national objectives to ensure the pros­perity of the State and food sufficiency.

The federal administra­tive system must be in accord with the constitution for all management measures in­cluding different levels and region-wise executive, judicial and legislative sectors. In this regard, it is necessary to cre­ate equal terms of rights for all regions and states as well as self-administered zones and division. To do so, it has been agreed in principle that all regions and states shall formulate the laws.

All work processes must depend on the constitution which is the lifeblood of the State. Likewise, regions and states have been authorized to undertake their development measures under the framework. So, region and state authorities achieved success by applying the entrusted authority. In so doing, they all have to take care of derailment from the main theme.

Only when the prevalence of law and order is controlled as quickly as possible can the democratic administration be realized. So, all citizens need to widen their scope of democratic ethics for participating in the democratization process of the nation so as to enjoy a better future.

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