January 2023 insights with key events

THIS diary contributes to newsworthy events that happened in January 2023, high­lighting key events across the country, social improvement and performances and notices of the departments concerned.

To mark the 75th Independ­ence Day (Diamond Jubilee) falling on 4 January, new de­signs of 1 tical and 0.5 tical gold coins were announced on 2 Jan­uary.

Steps are required to de­velop plans to encourage digital payments for municipal ser­vices, tax payments and utility bills such as meter bills, and water bills collected by the government across the coun­try. said Daw Than Than Swe, governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM).

She remarked at the co­ordination meeting on digital payment enhancement and strengthening digital payment in Nay Pyi Taw, held on 3 Jan­uary 2023 in Nay Pyi Taw.

Yangon Cambodia Ex­press (YCX) service that links Myanmar and Cambodia to Singapore and Malaysia was launched on 3 January 2023.

Under the supervision of the Yangon Region Transport Committee, Sanwayla Public Co Ltd has started operating four YBS city buses to Kung­yangon, Kawhmu, Twantay and Dala townships since early Jan­uary.

The Myawady-Kawkareik Asian Highway in Kayin State was closed down for 20 days due to armed clashes on 22 De­cember 2022 and was reopened on 4 January. The traders with perishable goods were battered by the temporary closure.

On 5 January, in celebra­tion of the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day, 7,012 pris­oners across the country were released.

On the same day, the Si­no-Myanmar Shweli (Ruili) border and the Kyalgaung Nan­taw border resumed their trade activity and border crossing permits were granted for the people and goods on both sides.

Yangon Stock Exchange re­leased an annual report on 6 January that K7,424.29 million worth of stocks were traded on the exchange in 2022.

On 7 January, thousands of Myanmar migrant workers were reportedly standing in long queues near the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand to receive tokens for passport renewal.

On that day, under the supervi­sion of the Illegal Trade Eradi­cation Steering Committee, il­licit goods seized in border and shipping routes were put for bidding and auction bid forms were sold.

Denmark has pledged to contribute K2 billion for My­anmar's Small and Medium Enterprises and the Respon­sible Business Fund (RBF) announced the 6th call for pro­posals by 9 January 2023.

China Embassy to Myan­mar announced that a 48-hour covid negative test is required to enter the country through the Ruili border on 9 January and health code registration is no longer needed.

The rules to curb ‘hundi’, an informal money transfer system, will come into force, said Daw Than Than Swe, gov­ernor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, highlighting that at a meeting of the Anti-money laundering and counter-terror­ism financing task force. She also encouraged formal and informal international cooper­ation that is integral during the interrogation of cross-border money-laundering cases.

The authorities concerned inspected matters regarding gold market manipulation to control the price and legal ac­tions will be taken against those unscrupulous brokers, Yangon Region Gold Entrepreneurs As­sociation released a statement on 12 January 2023.

Myawady-Maesot Friend­ship Bridge I was reopened on 12 January and people are al­lowed to pass it by presenting a one-day border pass between 6 am and 6 pm.

A fire broke out at the Grand Royal liquor factory on 13 January and the level-3 fire was successfully put out after 16 hours of firefighting. Some members of the fire police force and volunteers were injured in this case. A total of 550 firefight­ers including 450 fire brigade members and 100 auxiliary members extinguished the fire with the use of 60 fire engines. The Fire Brigade reports said that inspection for the cause of the fire and calculation of loss was under investigation.

The Ministry of Commerce also released a list of goods that can be paid in both Yuan and dollars in border trade settle­ments. The pulses, corn, ses­ame and peanuts can be paid in both currencies while rice, broken rice, other agricultural products and fishery products (eel and crabs) can be trans­acted in Yuan.

The CBM’s governor called on May Bank headquartered in Malaysia to cooperate in foreign salary remittance of Myanmar migrant workers in Malaysia on 14 January.

On 15 January, the Su­preme Court published the Judicial Strategic Plan (2023- 2027) implemented with the motto “Providing Justice By All” to ensure fair and impar­tial justice and the Year One Action Plan 2023 in Myanmar and English languages.

On 16 January, those oper­ating money changer business­es are required to attend the regulatory compliance training courses regarding Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/ CFT), the CBM’s governor Daw Than Than Swe said.

Myanmar Embassy to Thai­land provided contributions and compensations to the ben­eficiary (family members) of seven Myanmar workers who died and two were injured in an oil tanker (Smoosh Sea C22) explosion on 17 January when it was docked for maintenance in one of the tributaries of Me­kong River in Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand.

Chinese carrier Ruili Air­lines resumed its service for the Mandalay-Mangshi direct route every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on 21 January.

Myanma Railway resumed Yan­gon-Bagan Express Train to facilitate homegrown visitors on 23 January, running two times a week.

Nantaw and Sinphyu bor­ders in Muse, Shan State link­ing the Chinese border were resumed and the immigration office started to issue border passes.

A three-day Myanmar Travel Fair 2023 took place at the Secretariat from 25 to 29 January, intending to promote Myanmar tourism. Tourism companies, airlines, hotels and restaurants, hospitals, insurance companies, other tourism-dependent businesses and local products businesses showcased their products and services with 50 stalls.

A gala ceremony to convey the Maravijaya Buddha Image being carved for public obei­sance in Buddha Park onto a jewelled throne took place in the precinct of Buddha Park in Dekkhinathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory on 26 January.

More than 200 apartment units of Aung Myint Mo and Thilawa affordable housing complexes developed in the Yangon Region will be sold, according to the Ministry of Construction.

Between 27 and 29 January, the 117th anniversary of Yan­gon Zoological Garden was held with fun activities and shopping festivals.

Myanmar labour attaché and delegation negotiated with Thailand’s counterparts for 600 Myanmar citizens detained at IDC in Ranong, Thailand for protests and they are to be re­patriated in February.

On 29 January, the Maravi­jaya Buddha image combined with parts 1,2 and 3 were lifted 90 degrees on the jewellery throne. —TWA/EM

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