Refresh your minds as from New Year 2023


Everybody needs to review all their acts on physical and mental behaviours and thoughts whether they committed anything harming somebody or something or not the whole year 2022.

Generally, everybody is easy to commit any misdeeds as miserable as sin. If they cannot control themselves, they easily commit them. Hence, everybody needs to control themselves to be free from various misdeeds starting from the New Year 2023.

It is easy to culture bad manners and thoughts but difficult to forge goodwill. Only when you all do your best will you have to enjoy the fruitful results of good deeds. Consequently, your acts and thoughts will beautify your families and your society. If so, society will be pleasant for all.

Everybody residing in a pleasant society will have to taste the pleasure of nature. It is a great chance for all participants of society. In con­sequence, those who live in a pleasant society will have the chance to benefit all society participants and society. If all the people of the society so do, their dreams will come true in the future without fail.

In the current world, society is full of misdeeds which are larger than good deeds.

Practically, the num­ber of those upholding the goodwill is less than those with the mindset to commit misdeeds. That is why society is influenced by the impacts of misdeeds. But, the truth is greater than the wrong in line with the Universal truth. With regard to something, one day, the truth will conquer the wrong. Those who uphold the truth will have to grasp victory one day. Hence, everybody should not change their right concepts leading to a pleasant goal.

Only when society is decorated with pleasure and happiness will everybody have the chance to pleasantly live in society. In­deed, a pleasant society does not have any space for those who commit acts of sin. If not, society definitely punishes them for their sinful acts not only in the current life but in the next life.

Believe it or not! Thanks to religious orders, society gradual­ly removes the sinners while creating spaces for noble persons. Heaven is waiting for all living beings from society. The Nibbana is reachable for all persons. At a time when they can wash their minds, they can find the steps leading to Heaven as well as the Nibbana. Let’s start our good deeds!

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