SAC member Jeng Phang Naw Taung attends award ceremony for Myanma Thaing Competition

January 02, 2023


State Administration Council Chairman’s Trophy Inter-State/Region Myanma Thaing (Martial Arts) Competition under the supervision of Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs continued yesterday at Wunna Theikdi Gymnasium B in Nay Pyi Taw to mark the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day.
After the competition, award ceremony was held and martial arts masters and referees from the Myanmar Thaing Federation gave first, second and third prizes to the winners of Bando Attack (Men’s and Women’s) Competition.
General Secretary of the federation Daw Khin Lay Mon presented awards to the first, second and third place winners in the Women’s 49-53 kilo, and Men’s and Women’s 45-50 kilo one-sword competition.
Deputy Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Kyaw San Oo gave first, second and third prizes to the winners in the 40-45 kilo Men’s and Women’s one-sword competition and Women’s singles’ long spear competition.
Next, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs U Kyaw San, Director General of the department U Tun Myint Oo and President of the federation U Ye Myint gave first, second, third and affiliated third prizes to the winners in the competitions.
Then, Deputy Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Myo Hlaing presented awards to the first, second and third place winners in the competition and awards to best athletes: Aung Pyae Thu (Yangon), Lei Lei Win (Shan) from Men’s and Women’s Sword Attack competition, San Lin (Ayeyawady), and Marina (Yangon) from Men’s and Women’s singles’ martial arts competition.
Union Minister U Min Thein Zan presented four gold, four silver and two bronze medals to the Men’s first prize winning Mandalay Region and five gold, five silver, and two bronze medals to the Women’s first prize winning Yangon Region.
Next, SAC member Jeng Phang Naw Taung presented seven gold, nine silver, and four bronze medals to over-all championship trophy winning Yangon Region.
Again, the Union minister and the deputy minister also presented prizes to winners in the men’s discus, women’s 10,000-m race, men’s 10,000-m, men’s 20-km walking race, women’s 10-km walking race and men’s and women’s string shotput events.—MNA/KZL

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