SAC members, Union ministers attend mass rally, awarding honorary titles and medals


A mass rally to mark 71st An­niversary of Kayah State Day ceremony was held at the state hall yesterday morning, attend­ed by SAC members U Saw Denial, U Sai Lon Seng and U Shwe Kyein, Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and U Saw Tun Aung Myint and guests.


Firstly, those at the cer­emony saluted the State flag and the fallen leaders.

Then, SAC member Saw Daniel read the message sent by Chairman of the State Ad­ministration Council, Prime Minister Senior General Tha­doe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing to the 71st Anniversary of Kayah State Day.

After that, Kayah State Chief Minister U Zaw Myo Tin delivered a speech.

Next, SAC members, Union Ministers, State Chief Minister, Commander of the Eastern Command and the Deputy Min­ister presented honorary titles and medals commemorating the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day to relevant recipients. Honora­ble prizes were awarded to the outstanding winners in the SEA Games, training courses and state sports competitions. The SAC members and the Union Ministers warmly greet­ed the participants in the com­memorative ceremony.

Afterwards, an honorary dinner to mark the 71st Anni­versary of Kayah State Day was hosted at the State Hall at 6 pm. State Chief Minister U Zaw Myo Tin gave a speech and the ethnic folk dance troupe performed ethnic dance music.

Furthermore, SAC mem­ber U Saw Daniel gave a flow­er basket to ethnic traditional dance troupes and the State Chief Minister presented cash award to the vocalists.—State IPRD/TS

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