This year’s market sees good price for Taiwan strain plums

January 02, 2023


Yield of seasonal Taiwan strain plums from Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region, is quite high and it fetches great prices with a strong demand this year, plum growers said.
The current prices in domestic market are set at K15,000 per carton of plum in large size and K9,000-K10,000 per carton for second grade fruit. Small-sized plum price values at K20,000 per bag and K8,000 per carton. It is reported that buyers and brokers are competing for sales, reaching a great demand price.
“Plums are at a good price when they are in peak season this year. The fruit fetched reasonable prices depending on sizes and there will also be a massive supply in mid-January and February. This year will grasp a strong market share and Taiwan strain plums are primarily cultivated in the region. Plums are being mainly purchased by jam businesses in addition to consumers. Exportation cannot be considered yet due to the pricey freight fees. Plums can only be picked out once a year. Every farmers are happy for the great demand the plums have,” said U Myint Swe, an owner of the plum cultivation and trading from Hsedawlay Village. This year, 25 cartons and 100 bags of plums are distributed to domestic market once every three days. Plums are being sent to Yangon, Lashio and Mandalay, and especially to Yangon and the lower regions of Myanmar. The current market price of plums is ranged between K8,000 and K15,000 per carton. There are more than 100 acres of plum plantations in Patheingyi Township, earning K8 million to K10 million per acre.—Maung Aye Chan/CT

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