Educate new generations to conserve wetlands for the existence

Wetlands are habitats for varieties of wildlife, especial­ly for migratory birds for hibernation.

A wide range of definitions on the wetlands includes both freshwater and seawater sources such as all lakes and rivers, underground aquifers, swamps and marshes, wet grasslands, tidal flats, mangroves and other coastal areas, coral reefs, and all human-made sites such as fish farms, reservoirs and dams.

These wetlands contribute to lessening the climate change and impacts of global warming in all parts of the relevant countries including Myanmar. Thanks wetlands, most of which are located in widened areas affect the natural environment, climatic conditions, ecology, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recrea­tional and aesthetic contributions to sustainable development and human well-being.

Though the total area of wetlands across the world covers only around 6 per cent of the Earth’s land surface, 40 per cent of all plant and animal species live or breed in wetlands.

Wetlands are vital for humans. More than a billion people across the world rely on wetlands for their livelihoods.

So far, three sites have already been designated as Ramsar sites in Myanmar. These are the Moeyungyi Wetlands Wildlife Sanctuary in Bago Region, the Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary in Kachin State and the Mainmahlak­yun Wildlife Sanctuary in the Ayeyawady Region. On 8 May 2017, the northern part of the 45,000-hectare Gulf of Mottama was designated as Myanmar’s fourth Ramsar site.

Not only Ramsar sites but various natural areas are inval­uable for Myanmar in conserv­ing the nature of the country. Only when these sites contrib­ute to the conservation of the natural environment will all the people have a chance to oper­ate their livelihoods such as agriculture and livestock farms as the main businesses of rural areas. Hence, all the people of Myanmar need to emphasize the long-term existence of wet­lands in all regions and states as part of accommodating wildlife animals and migratory birds.

This vicious cycle of wetland loss threatened livelihoods, and deepening poverty is the result of mistakenly seeing wetlands as wastelands rather than life-giving sources of jobs, incomes, and essential ecosystem services. A key challenge is to change mindsets to encourage governments and communities to value and prioritize wetlands.

Hence, the authorities as well as parents of families in society need to educate their offspring as well as posterity to conserve wet­lands as an act of protecting themselves and their society. In a bid to fight against climate change, Myanmar people need to cooperate with global people in developing and expanding wetlands as home to living beings.

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