Green gram price climbs in late Jan 2023, yet not reaching last year’s record price

On 30 January 2023, the price of green gram rose in Yangon markets. However, the price has not surpassed the record price in the second week of August 2022, said a trader.

In mid-August 2022, the green gram prices peaked at K2,665-2,920 per viss from upper Myanmar regions and K3,165- 3,500 from Kayan area, Yangon market’s daily price release in­dicated.

Green gram fetched K2,500-2,635 per viss from Pa­kokku area, K2,800-2,920 from Kayan area, K2,500-2,950 from Bago and K2,080-2,420 from Wakema area respectively.

In August 2022, the price of pulses hit a record high of K2.1 million per tonne of black gram and K2,175,000 per tonne of pigeon pea (red gram).

The market observer pointed out that the prevailing market prices of pulses have not exceeded the record price last year.

On 17 October 2015, the prices of black gram hit an all-time record high of K2,456,000 per tonne (Fair average quali­ty/RC) and K2,656,000 (special quality/RC) when the Kyat- US dollar exchange rate was around K1,280.

Kyat depreciated at K2,400 against the US dollar in 2022 and the highest price of black gram was only K2.1 million per tonne.

In 2015, green gram prices stood at K2,665-2,670 per viss from Kayan area, K2,565-2,570 from Pakokku, K2,580-2,585 from Wakema area respectively.

The green gram is primari­ly cultivated in Kayan-Thongwa areas, Yangon Region where high-grade green gram is pro­duced. They fetch the highest price as well. This year, about 200,000 tonnes of green gram is planned to be grown in Yangon Region.

The yield rate is 10 baskets per acre and the gross profit is around K400,000 per acre when it is calculated on prevailing price after deducting cultiva­tion cost.

Mandalay market has a roaring trade of green gram when border posts resumed.

Quality of pulses depends on climate conditions, post-har­vest handling methods and seed quality, Ko Win Shwe, a grower, told the Global New Light of Myanmar.

When supply outstrips de­mand, the price usually increas­es at the end of the month.

The bulk supply of green gram is likely to happen in mid-February. When supply exceeds demand, there is less chance to raise the price. The growers are expected to sell their stocks out with the current market price.

The growers receive a handsome profit regardless of high cultivation input costs in late 2022 and Q1 2023.—TWA/ EM

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