Life-threatening fungal infections target of novel vaccine: Research


A new vaccine from the Uni­versity of Georgia could be the first clinically ap­proved immunization to protect against invasive fungal infections, a growing concern as antifungal drug resistance increases.

Fun­gal infections cause more than 1.5 million deaths worldwide each year and cost billions. They also double hospitalization costs, dou­ble the length of hospital stays and double the risk of death in hospitalized patients, according to a previous UGA study.

But there currently are no effective vaccines to protect vul­nerable patients from fungal in­fections.

“There’s a significant unmet clinical need for this kind of prevention and also treatment, particularly among immunocom­promised individuals,” said Ka­ren Norris, lead investigator on the new study and professor in the College of Veterinary Med­icine.

Patient population at risk

“The patient population at risk for invasive fungal infections has increased significantly over the last several years.” The ex­perimental vaccine is designed to protect against the three most common fungal pathogens that are responsible for more than 80 per cent of fatal fungal infections.

The study tested the vac­cine’s efficacy in four preclinical animal models, including nonhu­man primates.

The researchers relied on different immunosuppressed models for the study, reflecting drug regimens similar to those of transplant recipients, people with HIV or cancer patients, some of the most at-risk human populations.

The vaccine was effective in developing protective antibodies in each of the models. “Because it targets three different pathogens, the vaccine has the potential to be groundbreaking regarding invasive fungal infections,” said Norris, who is also faculty in the university’s Center for Vaccines and Immunology.

“Plans are underway to de­velop the vaccine for a Phase I (human) safety trial.” More peo­ple at risk of fungal infections than just immunocompromised . Fungal infections are most commonly seen in people with immune disorders, including those with uncontrolled HIV or impaired immunity from ther­apies like chemotherapy or an­ti-inflammatories.

Previous research

But previous research from Norris, postdoctoral fellow Emily Rayens and the College of Public Health’s Jose Cordero in 2022 showed that at-risk population has expanded in recent years.

That study showed people with diabetes; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (or COPD); or co-infections such as COVID-19, tuberculosis or flu are likewise at higher risk of developing fungal infections.

The first line of defense is typically treatment with azoles, which are broad-spectrum an­ti-fungal medications. But an­tifungal resistance is growing. As a result, fungal infections are becoming more difficult to treat, making prevention even more critical, Norris said.

The new vaccine targets the three most common causes of fungal infections: Aspergillus, Candida and Pneumocystis. Can­dida, in particular, is a growing concern in health care circles as different strains of the fungus become multidrug resistant.

Antifungal immunity

The vaccine showed broad, cross-protective antifungal im­munity in the animal models, which bodes well for future clinical trials. “This is an area that has been underdeveloped on the research front for a long time,” said Norris, who is also the Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Immunology and Translational Biomedicine.

“These are very large popu­lations of people who are at risk of invasive fungal infections, and although there has been consid­erable efforts to develop vaccines, none are yet approved. We believe this is a very strong vaccine can­didate.”

Published in PNAS Nexus, the study was co-authored by the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Emily Rayens, Whitney Rabacal, Hubertine Willems, Gabrielle Kir­ton, James Barber and Jarrod Mousa; and the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences’ Brandi Ce­lia-Sanchez and Michelle Mom­any.


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