MoI Deputy Minister makes inspection tours of Kalay, Singaing and Kyaukse townships

Deputy Minister for Informa­tion U Ye Tint inspected the li­brary, the mini-museum and the children’s reading room of Kalay District IPRD, met the head of the MRTV re-transmission sta­tion, discussed the progress of work and fulfilled the needs on 15 March.

Afterwards, Deputy Minis­ter U Ye Tint accompanied by District officials visited No (1) Basic Education High School in Kalay township to view the stu­dents taking the matriculation examination.

On 15 March afternoon, the Deputy Minister reached the Naytha monastery and donated offertories, K20 million and peri­odicals to the Naytha Sayadaw.

Then, the Deputy Minister inspected the Singaing town­ship IPRD office and met offi­cials and staff from Singaing and Tada-U townships and gave necessary instructions.

In addition, the Deputy Min­ister met officials and staff from Kyaukse and Myittha townships at the Kyaukse District office and encouraged the students who are attending the Basic English Course being conducted at the Kyaukse District office.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister urged the staff to successfully implement the work of information and edu­cation and try to increase the number of readers. — MNA/ MKKS

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