Myanmar-China economic, trade promotion meeting held


Department of Trade Di­rector-General U Myint Thura of the Ministry of Commerce and Lancang City Mayor of Mr Du Jianhui held a coordination meeting to further promote the economy and trade yesterday at the Ministry of Commerce in Nay Pyi Taw.

Both sides discussed mat­ters in connexion with further promoting the economy and trade between Myanmar and China, holding the fourth Bor­der Trade Fair of Myanmar (Nay Pyi Taw)-China (Lan­cang), signing an agreement on cross-border transit trade between Myanmar and China, facilitating the trade of goods from third countries crossing the Myanmar-China border post – Chinshwehaw, and uplifting border trade.

The meeting was attended by Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization Director-General Daw Naw Muta Kapaw from the Ministry of Commerce, the dep­uty director-general of the De­partment of Trade, responsible personnel and eight represent­atives from China. — MNA/TS

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