Officials inspect completion of concrete road in Nyaunglaybin Twsp.


Nyaunglaybin, 31 May

Officials from the District Department of Rural Development inspected the completion of concrete paving work of road in Kyokyakwin Village in Nyaunglaybin Township, Bago Region this morning.

During the inspection tour, officials from the District and Township DRD met with members of village development committee and stressed the importance of quality construction and maintenance.

The concrete road which is 680 ft. in length, three ft. in height and six inches in thickness has been implemented with Ks. 9.4 million of DRD’s funds since the first week of May this year and now, all the projects have been completed by 100 percent, according to an official from the District Department of Rural Development.

The road will bring socioeconomic development to local people in the village.—Pyu Lay(DRD)

Translated by JT

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