Rural manufacturing road commissioned into service in Mawlamyinegyun Township


May 29


Locals have to maintain the already-inaugurated manufacturing road in cooperation with relevant departments for long-term use of further generations, said U Saw Tun Aung Myint, leader of State Administration Council’s Central Advisory Body, at the ceremony to commission the manufacturing road into service in Hteinkala Village of Mawlamyinegyun Township in Ayeyawady Region yesterday morning.


Speaking on the occasion, the central advisory body leader said it is sure that the manufacturing road in Hteinkala Village would actually contribute much to social, economic, education and health sectors of the village.


He expressed his pleasure for emergence of an all-season use road built by the Ayeyawady Region Department of Rural Development with more than K69 million in 2022-23 financial year.


He stressed that locals have to maintain the already-inaugurated manufacturing road in cooperation with relevant departments for long-term use of further generations.


Ayeyawady Region Chief Minister U Tin Maung Win, in his speech, unveiled that the region government is striving for improvement of education, health, transport, water supply and electricity for the rural people.


The leader of the central advisory body together with the region chief minister and the commander of South-West Command cut the ribbon to open the concrete road.


The manufacturing road is 2,450 feet long, 10 feet wide and seven inches thick.


The leader of the central advisory body viewed school enrolment activities at the post-primary school in the village and presented cash assistance to teachers.—MNA/TTA

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