School enrolment day ceremony for 2023-2024 academic year held in Pyawbwe Twsp.


Pyawbwe, 29 May

A ceremony for the Township level school enrolment day for the 2023-2024 academic year was held at the meeting room of No. (1) B.E.H.S. in the town of Pyawbwe, Mandalay Region at 9:00 am on May 29.

Firstly, students from B.E.H.S.-2 performed a school song. Next, Chairman of the Township Administration Council U Lwin delivered an opening speech and discussed matters relating to educational process in the Township.

Afterwards, the District Education officer Daw Khin Mar Aye explained about the instructions on school enrolment set by Department of Basic Education. Chairman of The Township Administration Council U Lwin and officials handed over school uniforms, textbooks and stationery provided by the Government to relevant headmasters.

Next, the Township Education officer U Khin Maung Htun spoke words of thanks to the government. Then, students performed “Zartihmaan” song and the event was concluded.—Min Min Htway(Pyawbwe)

Translated by JT

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