Senior military officers oversee recovery efforts in respective Mocha-hit regions


June 1


THE State Administration Council has released announcements for Mocha-hit areas declaring natural disaster-affected regions under Section 11 of the Natural Disaster Management Law and assigned senior military officers to the respective regions to conduct rehabilitation processes.


Meanwhile, the coordination meeting of the Chin State disaster management committee was organized on 30 May at the state government office in Haka Township. It was attended by Chin State Chief Minister Dr Wong Hsun Htan, Lt-Gen Min Naing of the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army), Deputy Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Myo Htut Hlaing and other relevant officials.


First, the state chief minister and Lt-Gen Min Naing made opening speeches and the relevant officials reported on the damage and losses in Chin State due to the storm.


Similarly, Lt-Gen Lu Aye of the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army) and officials held a meeting on compiling the net worth of losses due to Mocha at Kyaukpyu District General Administrative Department meeting hall yesterday and he instructed to report to the ministries concerned about the losses and activities in Kyaukpyu township.


Moreover, Lt-Gen Aye Win from the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army) inspected the arrival of relief items, storage at the warehouse of the Consumers Department in Buthidaung, damages of school buildings, houses, cattle deaths, distribution of relief items and lists of losses made by the committee on loss calculation (engineer team).


Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye also provided foodstuffs, rice, cooking oil and salt to the storm victims in Matupi Township of Chin State yesterday.


Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Soe who arrived in Myebon township of MraukU District also discussed the rapid distribution system for relief items and construction materials provided by the state rehabilitation team and donors at the meeting hall of the Township General Administrative Department and provided 150 Family Kits and foodstuffs to the wind victims. — MNA/KTZH

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