MoCRD Union Minister looks into progress of rehabilitation in Rakhine State


June 28


Union Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development U Hla Moe, accompanied by Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, inspected the distribution of relief items from ships which docked at Sittway port and Phaungtawgyi jetty of Myanma Port Authority yesterday.


At Rakhine State home for the aged, the Union minister provided foodstuffs and cash assistance to 37 elderly people.


On arrival at the reconstruction site of Mocha-hit bailey bridge that connects Aung Mingala ward and Ywathitkay village, the Union Minister left necessary instructions.


At noon, the Union Minister met with Yun Shan Company Chairman U Aung Myo Oo and discussed cultivation of high-yielding GW-11 paddy strain, ever green grass for animal feed in local breeding sector, growing of plants that can make profits in a short period and raising awareness on agriculture and livestock measures.


At Nursing and Midwifery Training School, he viewed theoretical and practical works of trainees.


He inspected the maintenance of 12,900-ft-long Mocha-hit Sittway Shukhintha road, from the post office junction to Sittway Hotel.


He attended the coordination meeting at Rakhine State government office and discussed the rehabilitation processes.


Deputy Minister Dr Aung Gyi distributed 58,500 bags of vegetable seeds to district heads of Agriculture Departments in Rakhine State. –MNA/KTZH

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