Tatmadaw relief teams exert rehabilitation efforts


June 28


To facilitate relief and rehabilitation activities in areas affected by natural disasters, the Tatmadaw has deployed relief teams consisting of local security forces. They are actively rendering assistance in the respective areas in cooperation with social organizations.


The relief teams in Maungtaw are working together with mobile medical teams to provide healthcare services to the locals Myoyu village and planted trees at the monsoon tree-growing ceremony organized by Maungtaw District Forest Department.


Next, relief teams in Ponnagyun collaborated with mobile medical teams in providing health care services to the locals in Sanpya ward.


Similarly, relief teams in Buthidaung cleared fallen trees and bushes beside the motorway and worked in cooperation with mobile medical teams provide healthcare services to the locals in Latwedatpyinshay village.


Relief teams in MraukU are cooperating with the Myanmar Police Force members to clear fallen trees and bushes in the compound of the Thetmahnaung pagoda.


The relief teams in Rathedaung cooperated with mobile medical teams in providing healthcare services to the locals at the Sasana Beikman monastery. —MNA/KZW

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