Tatmadaw senior officers, officials assist in rehabilitation work in Rakhine State


June 02


Under Section 11 of the Natural Disaster Management Law, the State Administration Council declared the areas damaged by Cyclone Mocha as areas affected by natural disasters and appointed senior military officers to carry out rehabilitation activities in the areas mentioned in the announcement.


Lt-Gen Lu Aye from the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), who is currently in Kyaukpyu of Rakhine State to perform rehabilitation tasks, together with officials, checked the opening of colleges and basic educational schools in Kyaukpyu and friendly greeted the students yesterday.


Likewise, Lt-Gen Aye Win from the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), currently in Buthidaung, oversaw the provision of health care services at the Dapyuchaung Village-tract in Buthidaung and the distribution of rice, edible oil, and salt to Mocha victims from five village-tracts.


Later, they viewed the opening of schools in Buthidaung Township and coordinated the requirements at the warehouse of the Consumer Affairs Department in Meeyahtarseik Ward.


Brig-Gen Aung Thu Oo, who is currently in Kyauktaw, and officials attended and gave speeches at the opening ceremony of the Agricultural Institute (Kyauktaw) for the 2023-2024 academic year and examined dormitories and classrooms. Similarly, Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Oo, currently in Manaung, and responsible persons visited the opening of schools in Manaung and observed the students studying peacefully. — MNA/CT

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