Efficiently apply AI with the essence of democracy

DEMOCRACY can be generally defined as a system where individuals have the freedom to act within the legal frame­work as long as they do not infringe on the physical or mental rights of others, irrespective of politics, religion, or any other doctrine.

People must enjoy the benefits of democracy by taking re­sponsibility and being accountable for their actions. Their actions should not violate or harm the rights of others. If individuals adhere to this system, society will de­velop with the true essence of democracy. Everybody who wishes to enjoy the essence of democracy has to accept the concept that anyone has freedom of diverse attitudes. Hence, society must admit any different attitude holders.

This year’s theme for the International Day of Democ­racy emphasizes the impor­tance of Artificial Intelligence as a tool for good governance. UN Secretary-General Antó­nio Guterres has highlight­ed AI’s potential to enhance public participation, equality, security, and human develop­ment but warns that if “left un­checked,” its dangers “could have serious implications for democracy, peace, and stabil­ity.”

The Secretary-General also stressed the need for effective AI governance at all levels, including interna­tionally. He recalled that the High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence recent­ly released a report with rec­ommendations on harnessing AI’s benefits while mitigating its risks.

In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 15 September as the International Day of Democracy with the aim of promoting and upholding democratic principles. The Assembly invited all member states and organizations to commem­orate the day in ways that contribute to raising public awareness.

Currently, Myanmar is implementing the Five-Point Roadmap, in line with its circumstances, to shape a Union with multiparty democracy and federal systems, as declared by the government. Therefore, all successive governments must sow the seeds of democracy so that the people can enjoy the fruits of a democratic nation. Meanwhile, people have the opportunity to benefit from artificial intelligence under relevant regulations. However, no one should violate human rights while applying AI. Crucially, everyone must avoid the abuse and misuse of AI in all areas.

In fact, the essence of democracy is of great importance to society. Democracy can protect all living beings, including hu­mans. However, applying the advantages of AI under the guise of democracy to commit various crimes will lead society to utter devastation. Therefore, it is essential that everyone understands the essence of democracy to prevent deviation from genuine democratic practices.

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