Talk of SAC Information Team Leader about flood response and aid efforts

“TODAY, I would like to address the ongoing flooding and relief efforts following the recent Cy­clone Yagi and a low-pressure depression in the Bay of Ben­gal. Early warnings about the developing low-pressure area were issued on 29 August. Sub­sequently, from 9 September, the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology issued widespread alerts regarding the risk of heavy rainfall and landslides in central Myanmar due to Cyclone Yagi’s rapid movement in the South China Sea.

On the night of 9 September, heavy rainfall — approximately 11 inches — near Tatkon Town­ship in Nay Pyi Taw led to signif­icant flooding in local creeks and villages. This flooding damaged roads, bridges, and residential areas. Affected areas included 56 townships in Kayah State, Kay­in State, Bago Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region, Mon State, Shan State, Ayeyawady Region, and Nay Pyi Taw.

As of 14 September, the flooding and landslides had displaced over 72,900 homes and affected more than 78,000 households. Over 320,000 people have been evacuated to tempo­rary relief camps. Tragically, 113 deaths have been reported na­tionwide, with 64 people missing and 14 injured.

In response, the govern­ment has launched rescue and relief efforts. Rehabilitation plans are being developed to address the damage as swiftly and effectively as possible. The Chairman of the State Adminis­tration Council, the Vice-Chair­man, and relevant Union minis­ters are personally overseeing operations in the affected are­as. The Disaster Management Committee (DMC) is working 24 hours a day to coordinate relief efforts. Tatmadaw members, Myanmar Police Force mem­bers, Fire Brigade members, Myanmar Red Cross Society representatives, NGOs, and volunteers are all actively con­tributing.

However, it is important to note that certain media out­lets and individuals who seek to harm Myanmar are under­mining our relief efforts by spreading false information and creating fear. For example, there were false reports of 700 deaths in Thapyaypin village, Yamethin Township, whereas the actual number of fatalities is eight. The rescue teams have already reached the village, and the injured have been prompt­ly transported to hospitals and clinics.

Around 1:00 pm yesterday, a Tatmadaw member and a MPF member involved in rescue op­erations at Western Zayatgyi villages in Toungoo Township went missing while evacuating villagers.

I want to commend the bravery and selflessness of the Tatmadaw personnel, Myanmar Police Force members, firefight­ers, and volunteers who are risk­ing their lives in these rescue efforts. I also extend my grati­tude to all the public assistance and relief groups, including the Red Cross, for their invaluable contributions. The government is committed to conducting relief and restoration efforts efficient­ly. The Ministry of Social Wel­fare, Relief, and Resettlement is providing essential support, including rice and food at fixed rates, and financial assistance to the injured. We will also con­duct a thorough assessment of property damage and provide support accordingly. For those in relief camps, we are offering food at a set rate.

We encourage donations to support these relief operations and appreciate all the volunteer contributions we have received. It is crucial that we remain united and strong in the face of natural disasters. Those who are far away and seek to harm Myanmar cannot affect our re­solve. We must rely on our inter­nal strength and work together to overcome these challenges. Thank you all.”

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