UM 1’s 98th Anniversary Event held

THE 98th Anniversary Celebra­tion of the University of Med­icine 1 (UM 1) Yangon, took place yesterday within the uni­versity compound in Lanmad­aw Township, Yangon. Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein attended the event to show support.


To commence the celebra­tion, Rector Dr Kyaw Shwe, along with the Pro-Rector and responsible officials cut the ribbon to inaugurate the ceremony. The University students performed the song “Mingalaba” as part of the en­tertainment segment.


Rector Dr Kyaw Shwe then delivered the opening speech, explaining the significance of the celebration. In commem­oration of the university’s anniversary, competitions in poetry, articles, paintings and posters related to the univer­sity’s history and landmarks were held, with winning stu­dents receiving awards from the responsible officials. Stu­dents presented musical per­formances, traditional dances and songs.


Afterwards, Yangon Re­gion Chief Minister U Soe Thein awarded K2.5 million to the performing students. He also toured the university cam­pus to view poster exhibitions, wall displays and the festival market stalls.


Founded in 1927, the Uni­versity of Medicine 1 Yangon has now reached its 98th year in 2025. With support from the State Government, the Minis­try of Health and the Depart­ment of Human Resources for Health, the university contin­ues to provide medical edu­cation, producing numerous medical professionals dedicat­ed to public healthcare servic­es. — Aung Myint (IPRD)/KZL

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