Magway region must be shaped as an area for producing the best cotton yarn products of the nation via cotton cultivation: Senior General



If the people combine prac­tical and theoretical experi­ences in their work process, they will have development of interests individually, said Chair­man of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at a meeting with MSME busi­nesspersons from Magway Re­gion at the city hall in Magway yesterday morning.

The Magway Region chief minister reported on the operat­ing of MSME businesses, prepa­ration for the establishment of a small-scale industrial zone, man­ufacturing of MSMEs, paying back loans to COVID-19 funds, assistance for MSMEs and con­ducting of on-job training. Local businesspersons also submitted reports on the need for aid in operating their businesses.

Responses of Union minis­ters in respective sectors

Union ministers explained the measures being taken for the development of MSME busi­nesses, formation of cooperative societies for the socioeconomic status of the rural people and for increasing incomes, and plans for improvement of MSMEs in Magway Region.

Advice for regional devel­opment

In his address, the Senior General said that hiking pric­es are based on unbalance of manufacturing and consump­tion as well as high manufac­turing charges. As such, it is necessary to adjust consump­tion and manufacturing in an equal ratio. Agriculture and livestock farming play a key role in manufacturing. En­couraging these farms is designed to uplift the rural economy. If the rural econ­omy develops, demand will rise and socio-economic life will improve. As such, it is necessary to systematically operate agriculture and live­stock farms.

Encouraging domestic manufacturing

Only when domestic manu­facturing is encouraged will the State economy develop. But, the country cannot have remarka­ble development due to the out­break of COVID-19 and political changes. The country could overcome various difficulties in cooperation with the peo­ple at a time when COVID-19 broke out in 2020. Unrest and terror acts were based on the instigation of political oppor­tunists. As such, the Tatmad­aw controlled the situation. Manufacturing should rely on raw materials from domes­tic agricultural and livestock farms. If so, job opportunities can be created and more con­tributions can be supported for regional development. Hence, the region chief minister needs to lead the work process for uplifting the socioeconomic life of rural people. The country is endowed with trees, forests and bamboo resources. Whenever forest resources are utilized, it is necessary to grow trees in their place and carry out envi­ronmental conservation work without fail.

As Magway region is em­phasizing the cultivation of cot­ton plants, efforts must be made for the successful cultivation of cotton plantations. The Senior General stressed that Magway region must be shaped as an area for producing the best cotton yarn products of the nation via cotton cultivation. Officials need to provide quality strains of crops, fertile soil, suf­ficient water for cultivation and good agricultural techniques to the farmers.

More arrivals of local trav­ellers to help develop the regional economy

The Senior General called for maintenance and sanita­tion at pagodas and religious edifices to attract pilgrims and people to pay peaceful homage. As MSME is includ­ed in the service sector, en­couragement must be given to tourism services. The Senior General stressed the need to produce oil in a systematic manner in Magway Region.

People need to practise the thrift in consumption of elec­tricity as much as possible. As power generation projects were halted for various rea­sons, the electricity sector of the nation faces less devel­opment.

Needs to encourage educa­tion

As today is an education era, individual life depends on their educational quali­fications. Encouraging edu­cation means uplifting the lives of people. As such, it is necessary to read literature. If people combine practical and theoretical experiences in their work process, they will have development of in­terests individually.

The Senior General viewed round products of foodstuffs, consumer products, industrial goods, traditional handiworks, clothes and traditional medi­cines displayed at the hall and discussed grasping market shares. — MNA

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