Tatmadaw members need to read literature and hand over good legacy to offspring: Senior General


Officials need to encourage the mental strength of Tatmad­aw members who perform oper­ations and security duties, said Chairman of the State Admin­istration Council Command­er-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at a meeting with Tatmadaw members and families from Magway Station of the Central Command at Thiha Thura Kyin San Hall of the local battalion yesterday afternoon.

Political progress

Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General explained the declaration of the state of emergency based on the polit­ical trend for situations of the nation and serving the State re­sponsibilities by the Tatmadaw, administrative systems in suc­cessive eras, paving the way for multiparty democratic system by the Tatmadaw and political changes of the nation.

Development of the State needs political, security and legal stability and peace

The Senior General stressed the need to ensure stability and peace based on political and security trends for the devel­opment of the nation. Taking responsibility for the peace and stability of the nation, the Tatmadaw holds meetings with ethnic armed organizations. Security forces are striving for minimizing terror acts.

Building military unity

It is necessary to encour­age those who strive for carrying out systematic military build­ing tasks as well as those on the frontlines to bravely and dutifully serve their assignments. Efforts must be made for having success in military-owned and manage­able-scale agriculture and live­stock farming tasks. Funfairs must be held, and awareness must be raised for the Tatmadaw members to exercise vertically mutual respect to develop at­tachments among them so as to strengthen military unity.

Encouraging education

Tatmadaw members need to read literature and hand over a good legacy to offspring. Read­ing and studying are endless. They have to try hard to have higher learning education. As the Tatmadaw encourages edu­cation promotion of children of the Tatmadaw members, those Tatmadaw members need to support their offspring. Tat­madaw members must uplift their qualifications for the im­provement of their lives. Officials need to encourage the mental strength of Tatmadaw members who perform operations and se­curity duties.

The Senior General pre­sented foodstuff for Tatmadaw members and families to the sta­tion commander, and the wife of the Senior General gave cash awards for the station maternal and child welfare association to the wife of the local Light Infan­try Division Commander.

After the ceremony, the Sen­ior General fulfilled the needs of Tatmadaw members and fami­lies. — MNA

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