SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays homage to Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda, Sekkyapadaung Pagoda, Shinpin Sekkeinde Pagoda, Magway Myathalun Pagoda


State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accom­panied by his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo and wife, the Union Ministers, the Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) and wife and senior military officers of the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief and their wives, visited Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda yester­day morning in Minbu (Sagu) in Minbu District in Magway Region.

Afterwards, the Senior Gen­eral and wife and the entourage paid homage to Mann Shweset­taw Pagoda, Pada Pagoda and the Lower Foot Print of the Buddha, offering flowers, water and gold foils dedicated to the Lord Bud­dha. Next, the Senior General donated cash for the all-round renovation of the pagoda.

During his visit, the Senior General provided guidance for the building of a bailey bridge to facilitate the pilgrims coming to pay homage to the Lower Foot Print in Pada Pagoda, construct­ing a footpath to the pagoda and a small water retaining wall. The Senior General also told the re­sponsible personnel to keep the surrounding areas clean and pleasant and to maintain properly the religious edifices to ensure their sustainability.

Next, the Senior General proceeded to Ahtet Settawya where they offered flowers, water and gold foils to the Lord Bud­dha. Then, the Senior General presented donations for the all-round renovation of the pagoda. While circumambulating Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda, the Senior General gave directives to the responsible personnel to main­tain the Pagoda to ensure its sus­tainability, and in such doing, the maintenance is, he said, to be conducted in such a manner that would not affect its originality.

On 10 July 2014, families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) led by the Senior General and well-wishers donated a trans­parent glass cover which is five feet high and three inches thick weighing three tonnes on the low­er foot print.

In the afternoon, the Sen­ior General proceeded to Sek­kyapadaung Pagoda in Legai Village-tract in Pwintbyu Town­ship. At Shwepyiaye Pagoda, the Senior General observed the renovation of the Dhammayon. Next, he met village elders and discussed the development of their region. Then, he presented K5 million towards the regional development fund.

At Shinpin Sekkeinde Pago­da in Minbu, the Senior General offered flowers and water to the Lord Buddha, and then, present­ed the donation for the all-round renovation of the pagoda. Next, he met town elders from Min­bu and Sagu. In response to the points raised by local elders, the Senior General pointed out that manufacturing based on agri­culture and livestock breeding shall be encouraged for regional development, that it is necessary to supply sufficient water for cul­tivation and livestock breeding activities, that arrangements are underway to open the Institute of Livestock Breeding in Sagu and that manufacturing ought to be done with the raw materials available within the region.

Additionally, the Senior Gen­eral emphasized that import sub­stitution industrialization is need­ed to implement, that consumers’ behaviour is needed to change to keep fit and healthy, that people need to make concerted efforts to ensure quality education and that production of educated and trained people is important to effectuate the regional develop­ment. He also pointed out the importance of tourism, which can contribute dramatically to­wards regional development. Afterwards, the Senior General donated K10 million each for re­gional development and for the construction of the Minbu home for the aged.

Then, the Senior General cir­cumambulated the Pagoda clock­wise to pay homage to the Lord Buddha. Later in the evening, the Senior General and party visited Myathalun Pagoda in Magway. Afterwards, they proceeded to Kanna (Strand) Street to observe the cleanliness of the public area and provided guidance for the points raised by the responsible personnel.—MNA

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