SAC Vice Chairman Dy PM Vice-Senior General Soe Win enjoys entertainments of Variety Show to mark Diamond Jubilee Independence Day


The Variety Show to mark the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day 2023 continued for the sec­ond day at the open-air theatre of the Nay Pyi Taw City Hall yesterday evening, attended by Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Depu­ty Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win.

Artistes from film, theatri­cal and music arenas present­ed songs, dancing, dramas and Anyeint performances.

SAC member and their wives, Union level persons and their wives, Union ministers, senior military officers from the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief, deputy ministers and their wives, departmental heads from ministries and de­partments, officers, staff and families as well as people en­joyed the entertainments.

After the entertainments, the Vice-Senior General pre­sented the flower basket and cash awards to the artistes who participated in the variety show and cordially greeted them.

The variety show will con­tinue till 30 November, and the entertainment is performed from 6:30 pm to 11 pm. —MNA

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