Concrete road put into service in Zalun Township


Zalun, 29 December

A rural concrete road was inaugurated to public to mark the 75th anniversary of Independence Day in Abyinle-U Village in Zalun Township of Ayeyarwady Region on 28 December.

At the ceremony, Chief Minister of Ayeyarwady Region Administration Council U Tin Maung Win delivered a speech. Then, an official from the Township Department of Rural Development discussed matters relating to the construction works.

Afterwards, CM U Tin Maung Win, Minister of Security and Border Affairs Colonel Moe Min Naing and Minister of transportation Police Major Tin Zaw Tun cut a ceremonial ribbon to formally open the road.

The concrete road measuring 1200 ft. long, 10 ft. wide and 6 inches thick was constructed by the Department of Rural Development at a cost of more than Ks. 14.00 million in total.—Maung Khine(DRD)

Translated by JT

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