Don’t worry about an unexpected natural disaster – earthquake



A SHAKING earthquake is a geological process which directly affects human beings and may cause a certain degree of damage in earthquake-hit areas. Subsequent problems of the earthquake are landslides, surging tsunami waves and damage to housings.


Indeed, earthquake is one of the unrespectable natural disasters all global peoples may face. Although human beings can guess and forecast natural disasters such as flooding and inundation, the effects of storms, heat waves, cold waves, and forest fires, they are trying hard to forecast the possibility of earthquakes.


So, all the people are in fear of causing possible earthquakes. They think about when the earthquake will shake their places, how they can protect themselves during the earthquake and how they do to escape from the danger of the earthquake. Indeed, they have to consider the ways to be followed in the outbreak of earthquakes with high intensity without worrying about unexpected measures.


All kinds of media in Myanmar express the points to follow the ways how to overcome the challenges of earthquakes. In the incident, people should keep themselves away from the frightening. They have to hold up their conscience and build stability. They have to run out of the building within five seconds when the earthquake jolts. If not, they have to take a position free from the dangers.


They have to take a position behind the cover such as a strong table, a chair or a bed and firmly hold it. If not, they have to run away to the paddy field or ground or the place in the far distance of tall buildings, electric cables, lamp-posts, high trees or structures which may collapse. Sometimes, earthquakes may cause tsunami waves which may sweep everything from the adjacent area to the rivers or seas. So, they have to seek ways to the higher and safer lands. If they use fire during the earthquake, they have to put it out. They have to swift off. When driving, they have to speed down and stop at a safe place.


Actually, an earthquake is a natural disaster challenging society. It may cause changes in human society. Currently, civil engineers and architects consider how to construct high-rise buildings and bridges with resilience to the earthquake. They try to create structures with further strengthening against earthquakes.


Although such types of buildings cost a higher expenditure, a larger amount of expenditure is sure to be cost-effective for human beings in line with the concept that anything is not more valuable than human life.

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