Kayin New Year Day ceremony marked in Pantanaw Township


December 23


State Administration Council member Mahn Nyein Maung attended the 85th Kayin New Year Festival of the 2762 Kayin Era held at Myaynu village of Pantanaw Township in Ayeyawady Region yesterday.


First, vice-chairman Mahn Thein Aung of the township Kayin Literature and Culture Association made an opening speech.


Then, SAC member Mahn Nyein Maung read out the message sent by State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing to the ceremony of Kayin New Year Day. He then talked about the discussion for perpetual peace politically by Kayin ethnic armed organizations, socioeconomic development through unity of Kayin ethnics and measures to develop traditions and culture of Kayin people.


Ayeyawady Region Chief Minister U Tin Maung Win and the South-West Command commander also made remarks.


Then, the secretary of the township Kayin Literature and Culture Association read out the message sent by the Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs, and the chairman of the association delivered remarks.


At noon, the SAC member went to “Wah Wah Win” Company in Nyaungdon Township and inspected the Delta Queen dairy production farm, fish farms and cold storage processes, animal feed manufacturing processes and natural fertilizer production. — MNA/KTZH

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