SAC members, Union ministers participate in 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Kachin State Day in Myitkyina


The ceremony of the 75th An­niversary (Diamond Jubilee) of Kachin State Day was organized on the lawn in front of the Kachin State Government Office yester­day.

It was attended by State Administration Council mem­bers Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lon Seng and U Shwe Kyein, Union Min­isters Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Maung Maung Ohn, U Hla Moe, U Thaung Han, U Aung Naing Oo, Dr Nyunt Pe, U Min Thein Zan, U Myo Thant and U Saw Tun Aung Myint, Deputy Min­isters Maj-Gen Phyo Thant and U Zaw Aye Maung. Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan, the commander of Northern Command and senior military officers, the advocate-general of Kachin State and ethnic tradi­tional cultural troupes welcomed them with a traditional dance.

First, SAC Member Jeng Phang Naw Taung read out the message sent by State Adminis­tration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing on the occasion of the 75th Anniver­sary (Diamond Jubilee) Kachin State Day.

Then, the state chief minis­ter made a greeting speech and Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung handed over 100 solar home system pan­els (120 W) to him for the state government.


Afterwards, the SAC mem­bers, Union ministers, the state chief minister and wife, the commander and wife, sen­ior military officers, the chief justice of Kachin State High Court and wife, state cabinet members and wives, members of peace organizations, guests and other participants took part in the Manaw dance joyfully at the same venue and took commemorative photos.

Myanmar regained in­dependence on 4 January 1948 and the first session of the Kachin State Council Congress was held in Sitapu Manaw Ground on 10 January. The congress was attended by Myanmar’s first president Sao Shwe Thaik who inaugurated the Manaw Pandal together with Prime Minister U Nu and that day was designated as Kachin State Day marking the formation of the Kachin State government. Since then, the commemoration of Kachin State Day has been held every year and it reaches 75 years or diamond jubilee this year.

Then, the Honorary Certif­icate/Award-Giving Ceremony in Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of Kachin State Day was held at the City Hall of Myitkyina.

First, the Kachin State chief minister explained the awarding of honorary titles and certificates and pledged that the Kachin State government will make concerted efforts for all-round development uphold­ing the Five-point Roadmap and Nine Objectives of the Government urging youths to serve duties for the stability, unity and development of the country as a national task.

Then, Kachin State Securi­ty and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Aung Kyi Lin reported on the formation of working committees and reviews to se­lect awards in line with the law.

SAC members Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lon Seng and U Shwe Kye­in presented the awards for excellence in management (first) while Union Ministers the awards for excellence in management (second) and (third), awards for excellence in business (first), (second) and (third) and certificates of honour and the Kachin State chief minister, the command­er and deputy ministers the cash prizes and certificates of honour to the students who won in higher and basic edu­cation level essay and poem competitions.

At noon, the SAC mem­bers and party paid homage to Presiding Sayadaw Bhadd­anta Ketumala of the Wuntho Monastery at Ann Taw Shin Monastery of Myitkyina Town­ship and donated rice bags and cooking oil.

Then, they went to St Kolanban Catholic Church in the Aungnan Ward of Myitkyi­na and cordially met pastors and the bishop and donated fruits and cash to the church. — State IPRD/KTZH

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