SAC members, Union ministers pay tours in Myitkyina, Waingmaw townships

SAC members and Union min­isters visited the outstanding places of cultural significance in Myitkyina and Waingmaw townships at 8:30 am yester­day and had a discussion at the Central Committee of the Kachin Artists Association for the advancement and success of the artistic activities of the Kachin people.

First, State Administra­tion Council members Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lon Seng, U Shwe Kyein, and Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Maung Maung Ohn, U Hla Moe, U Thaung Han, U Aung Naing Oo, Dr Nyunt Pe, U Min Thein Zan, U Myo Thant and U Saw Tun Aung Myint, Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan, Northern Com­mand Commander Maj-Gen Ko Ko Maung, Deputy Min­isters Maj-Gen Phyo Thant and U Zaw Aye Maung, senior Tatmadaw officers, the chief justice of Kachin State High Court, ministers of the state government visited the Shinbin Myatswa Sutaungpyae Pagoda on Shwe Moe hill near the bank of Ayeyawady River in Minenar Village-tract, Waingmaw Town­ship. They signed the record book of guests and made dona­tions for the renovation of the pagoda, after offering flowers, water and lights to the pagoda.

Afterwards, they visited the Kareinnaw Resort near the Ayeyawady River bank in Manhkrein Ward, Myitkyina, viewed the documentary pho­tos of Founder Duwa Kare­innaw and viewed round the resort.

Next, they had a friend­ly meeting with the rector, pro-rectors and professors at Myitkyina University. The party inspected the university campus and coordinated with the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs to provide sports equipment for students.

After that, SAC mem­bers and officials went to the Manaw field in Sitapur Ward, Myitkyina, and took documen­tary photos together with the chairman of the Kachin Cul­tural Association and officials in front of the Manaw Mansion and in the Manaw field.

Next, they visited the Central Committee of the Kachin Artists Association in the Manaw field and met with Chairman director JZ Daungl­wan of the Kachin Artists As­sociation and officials. Union Information Minister U Maung Maung Ohn made a coordina­tion meeting on filming the nat­ural beauties, traditions and customs of ethnic peoples and stories describing the state's characteristics, in addition to producing a new generation of ethnic artists, and provided grants for the association.

In the afternoon, SAC members and the party left the Nanbao Airport in a spe­cial military plane. The state Chief minister and his wife, the commander and his wife, sen­ior military officers and their wives, the Chief Justice of the State High Court and his wife, State government ministers and their wives, State level departmental staff and ethnic cultural troupes saw them off at the airport.— State IRPD/ CT

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