Some products sold in wayside bazaar gaining high price

The prices of eggs and bananas that come from Kyaiklat and are sold on the waysides of Yangon are rising, said a resident of Lan­madaw Township.

Prices are rising at a tem­porary market in Yangon, where vendors from Kyaiklat sold their fresh local produce, said Ma Ni Ni, a buyer, to the GNLM.

Currently, a duck egg costs K330 and the price of a chicken egg ranges from K240 to K250 in the market. A branch of the Pheegyan banana from Kyaiklat rose to K1,500 as well.

In December 2022, mobile market trucks sold eggs and palm oil at a low price, and the chicken eggs were valued at only K180 per egg, a buyer told the GNLM. The wholesale price of eggs in Kyai­klat hovered around K270 at the beginning of January. However, in the Yangon market, the big size of those eggs is sold at K330-340 and the medium size at K300-320.

The price of food containing eggs has increased due to the high price of eggs. As summer approaches, Pheegyan bananas from the countryside become low in supply and so high in price.

Eggs and bananas are the most common foodstuffs people consume daily. A low-income worker said that they have to spend more on food because the prices are rising this month. The rising price of chicken and duck feed, less grazing space and de­creased egg laying rate caused the rise in egg price, an egg seller commented.

There are only a few sell­ers in Lanmadaw Towship this month due to the low produc­tion output, unlike the crowded temporary markets in the rainy season.

At the beginning of the new year of 2023, as the prices of most kitchen foodstuffs that consum­ers have to buy and consume every day, including eggs, are rising, most food prices will con­tinue to be high. — TWA/CT

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