UEC launches township-level voter lists management system training course


The opening ceremony of the township-level voter lists man­agement system training course was conducted at Hsinphyushin Hall of Tatmadaw transit centre yesterday.

During the ceremony, Union Election Commission Chairman U Thein Soe said the two pieces of software to be taught at the train­ing are the main software for the township sub-election commis­sion. The UEC is focusing on the correct voter lists currently. The Hluttaw Election Law also states that the township sub-election commission and ward or village tracts sub-election commissions shall compile the eligible voter lists based on the census collect­ed by the Township Administra­tion Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Township Office of the Ministry of Immi­gration and Population. There­fore, the relevant departments launched pilot projects to verify the ground population census according to Form 66/6 across the nation.

The township population collected by the pilot projects were also verified with the IVLS system and sent to relevant im­migration/administration depart­ments to check the increasing or decreasing population and amend the data. Based on the monthly population compiled un­til October 2022, the cross-check procedures were conducted, and arrangements are made to be correct population by cooperat­ing with the immigration/admin­istration departments.

These lists are added to ADMIN and DEO software ap­plications. In ADMIN Software, the township sub-election com­missions will receive the data related to their townships from the central level voter lists man­agement system to add to AD­MIN software, extract the set files and polling station data and add to the central level system and DEO software. Then, the DEOs have to collect the ward/ village-tract polling stations files from DEO software in ADMIN Software and check duplication of voter lists, extract the voting lists from ADMIN software and add them to the central voter lists management system.

In DEO software, the files from ADMIN software and population will be added to the software and it will divide the population for polling stations, categorize the types of voters, fill the form, check the dupli­cated data and add voter lists from DEO software to ADMIN software.

The township-level voters' list management system is draft­ed to conduct the compiling of voters lists with a computer sys­tem and is a link between central level, ADMIN and DEO software.

The UEC Chairman also highlighted the major things for voters to hold certain identity cards to cast the vote and to be on the voter lists of respective constituencies, to have Form 66/6 to be in voter lists.

He continued that public awareness programmes are also conducted across the nation.

He then called on the train­ees to study the ADMIN and DEO software operations atten­tively at the training.

A total of 150 assistant di­rectors and staff officers joined the training that will end on 14 January. — MNA/KTZH

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