Myanmar delegation attends 57th ASEAN Tourism Authority Meeting and Related Meetings


In connection with the ASEAN Tourism Forum-2023, Indone­sia hosted the ASEAN Tourism Authority Meeting and Related Meetings on 2 and 3 February at the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta.

Leaders of tourism author­ities, delegates from China, Ja­pan, Korea, India and the Russian Federation, delegates from the ASEAN-China Centre, ASEA -Japan Centre, ASEAN-Korea Centre and representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, and a Myanmar delegation led by Head of Myanmar Tourism Authority, Director General of the Hotels and Tourism Directorate of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism U Maung Maung Kyaw attended the event.

The Myanmar delegation at­tended the 57th ASEAN Tourism Authority meeting on 2 February and also joined the 42nd ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Tour­ism Authority meeting, the 29th ASEAN + India Tourism Group Meetings and the 13th ASEAN + Russia Tourism Coordination Meetings on 3 February.

In these meetings, according to the ASEAN Tourism Strate­gic Plan (2016-2025), the devel­opment of human resources in the ASEAN region, information sharing, promotion of tourism, people-to-people communication, restoration of tourism in the ASE­AN region were discussed.

In order to ensure the recov­ery of safe and quality tourism activities, the respective leading countries negotiated accomplish­ments in 2022 and future plans for 2023.

Officials shared good expe­riences and information in the safe and secure restoration of regional tourism industries ac­cording to tourism cooperation frameworks with ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN-Japan Cen­tre, ASEAN-Korea Centre, ASEAN+China-Japan-Ko­rea, ASEAN+India, and ASE­AN+Russian Federation.

They discussed and co­ordinated the processes of cooperation in the market promotion and the sustainable development of tourism, and human resource redevelop­ment and management.

The compilation of pro­fessional standards accord­ing to the job types and skill levels based on the ASEAN Tourism Professionals Mutual Recognition Program (ASE­AN MRA-TP), which was im­plemented by Myanmar as a leading country in the ASEAN tourism cooperation process, and the work plan on selection of professional standards for key responsibilities were ap­proved during the 57th ASEAN Tourism Authority Meeting.

In addition, Myanmar participated in the press con­ference where the ASEAN tourism authorities explained the state of development of tourism by country to the world media.

In the ASEAN tourism in­dustry exhibition programme, tourism galleries from Myan­mar were also exhibited.

Myanmar won one Community Based Tour­ism Award and five ASEAN Public Restroom Awards at the ASEAN Tourism Fo­rum-2023.—MNA/KZL

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