Naval vessels bring Myanmar citizens back from Thailand


Under the guidance of Chair­man of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, repatriation processes are being undertaken to bring back Myanmar citizens stranded in Thailand facing dif­ficulties to return to Myanmar for various reasons.

Among 679 repatriated My­anmar nationals who faced diffi­culties on their way of return to Myanmar, 118 repatriated My­anmar nationals from Yangon Region from Kawthaung, were brought by the Myanmar Tatmad­aw (Navy) on a military vessel Kyansitthar and arrived back at No 3 Naval Jetty in Thilawa, Yan­gon at 2 pm yesterday.

Commander of the local naval command Rear-Admiral Htein Win, Minister for Securi­ty and Border Affairs of Yangon Region Colonel Win Tint, naval officers, and family members, officials and family members of repatriated Myanmar citizens welcomed back the repatriated citizens.

They were handed over to the officials of the Yangon Region Government and they were given snacks and bottled water.

After being properly mon­itored in accordance with the rules of COVID-19 at the Yoma Avenue Quarantine Center, Da­gon Myothit (Seikkan) Township, the returnees in Yangon Region will be sent to the relevant town­ship administrators and the re­turnees who live outside of Yan­gon Region, will also be handed over to relevant region and state governments.

Similarly, 80 repatriated Myanmar citizens from Sittway, Rakhine State from Kawthaung, and 31 repatriated Myanmar citizens from Kyaukpyu are be­ing transported back to their re­spective places by naval vessel Anawrahta. The warship arrived at No 1 jetty in Kyaukpyu at 2 pm yesterday.

Commander of the local naval command headquarters Commodore Kyaw Kyaw Htoo, officials and family members of repatriated Myanmar citizens welcomed back 31 repatriated citizens. It was reported that na­val vessel Anawrahta will con­tinue to transport 80 repatriated Myanmar citizens to Sittway and surrounding areas.—MNA/KZL

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