SAC Central Advisory Body’s head meets new MoEA Union Minister, staff


U Saw Tun Aung Myint, leader of the Central Advisory Body of the State Administration Council, met Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs Jeng Phang Naw Taung and staff at the ministry yesterday.

While giving the greeting speech, the CAB head exhorted employees to follow the code of conduct and staff rules, live in line with the legal framework, stay free from party politics, treat one another as equals and live in harmony.

Next, Union Minister Jeng Phang Naw Taung expressed that they were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting with the staff. All staff must work hard to achieve the ob­jectives of the ministry, con­tribute their efforts together as unity is important, abide by the oath of loyalty of civil serv­ants, follow up the Five-Point Road Map and Nine Objectives of the State Administration Council and continue to carry out the responsibilities of the State.

 Then, Deputy Minister U Zaw Aye Maung gave a fare­well speech. The permanent secretary, directors-general, deputy permanent secretary, deputy directors-general and staff from the Ministry of Eth­nic Affairs were present on the occasion. — MNA/TS

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