58th Myanma Gems Emporium continues for fourth day

The fourth day of the 58th Myan­ma Gems Emporium continued yesterday at Maniradana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw. Foreign and local gem merchants observed pearl, gems and jade lots on dis­play at the event.

The tender proposals for 120 gem lots were opened, and officials announced a total of 77 lots were auctioned off. They inspected pieces of jade from 1 to 750 lots for sale at the em­porium and placed bids inside the tender boxes. On the fifth day, jade from lot 1 to lot 750 will be sold to international and domestic jewellers through the open tender system.

Jewellery and gem orna­ment shops are bustling with buyers.

So far, 290 of 295 pearl lots were sold to local and foreign gem traders on 18 and 19 March and 77 lots of 120 gems lots were sold. — MNA/KZW

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