Councilmembers attend 49th Anniversary of Mon State Day commemorative dinner


The 49th Mon State Day com­memoration dinner was held on 19 March at the Mawrawady Park in Mawlamyine.

The dinner was attended by member of the State Ad­ministration Council Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo, member of the State Admin­istration Council U Yan Kyaw Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein, the commander of the South-East Command and deputy minis­ters, departmental officials and invitees.

At the dinner, the SAC members and the Mon State chief minister presented the first prize to the State Elec­tricity Supply Enterprise, the second prize to the State Fish­eries Department and State Fish Farmers Association and the third prize to the Mon State Environmental Conservation Department and Forest De­partment for the 49th Mon State Day commemorative exhibi­tions.

Then, SAC members, Un­ion ministers, the chief minis­ter of Mon State, the command­er of the South-East Command and attendees enjoyed the hon­orary dinner to commemorate the 49th Anniversary of the Mon State Day. They also watched performances of the Mon eth­nic cultural troupes, and then presented the flower basket and cash awards. — MNA/TS

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