Pammawady Bridge (Myinkaseik) on Pathein-Kankon- Myinkaseik-Myaungmya Road opened


Hailing the 78th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the open­ing ceremony of 1,260 feet long Pammawady Bridge (Myinka­seik) on Pathein-Kankon-My­inkaseik-Myaungmya Road in Myaungmya Township of Ay­eyawady Region was held yes­terday.

Speaking at the event, State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Com­munications Admiral Tin Aung San said transport is absolutely essential for the development of a region. Being a delta region, the Ayeyawady Region is a key area for rice production. The re­gion also processes successful agricultural farming, marine production and livestock indus­tries. Currently, the Pammawady Bridge (Myinkaseik) was inau­gurated to streamline public transport.

Then, Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant talked about the key role of trans­port in the growth of the country and proportionate development of regions/states, construction of new roads and bridges including the upgrading works.

The capacity of the 1,260 ft long Steel Box Girder bridge is 60 tonnes and the bottom of the bridge is constructed of RCC Bored Pile. Moreover, it also paved over 1,885 miles of roads and constructed 109 bridges over 180 feet long of length in Ayeyawady Region us­ing the Union budget, the region budget and international loans. In 2022-2023FY, 12 bridges over 180 feet long and seven bridges under 180 feet long are being constructed.

SAC Member Mahn Nye­in Maung, Union Construction Minister U Myo Thant, Region Chief Minister U Tin Maung Win, Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Kyi Khine and the regional minister for Security and Border Affairs cut the ribbon to inaugurate the bridge after the remark of the region’s chief minister.

Then, SAC Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister Admiral Tin Aung San and SAC Member Mahn Nyein Maung pressed the electric button to unveil the stone inscription of the bridge and sprinkled scent­ed water on it.

The Pammawady Bridge (Myinkaseik) is construct­ed on Pathein-Kankon-My­inkaseik-Myaungmya Road in Myaungmya Township of Myaungmya District in Ay­eyawady Region. It is 1,260 feet long with a 24 feet wide two-lane motor way bridge. — MNA/KTZH

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